Welcome to my creative chaos! I always have 101 projects going and I thought I would share them. Let me know what you think!

Jack White


dachshund cartoon

Here's a new one! Started with a pencil sketch and painted it in photoshop. 0 comments

Simon Portrait

I just finished this portrait of my sweet little Simon. It was all painted in photoshop. 0 comments

More Pillows

Well I have some of the fabric and fringe left from the bolster I made yesterday. So I thought I would make a few throw pillows out of it. I will show you how to do it.

The materials you will need are:
Pillow forms
Sewing machine
Matching thread
All of the regular sewing stuff

How much you will need will depend on the size of your pillow forms. I am going to just wing this as I go. So I am not doing a bunch of measuring up front. Living on the edge!

This is the pillow I started with. It already had a cover that fit well so I am going to use this for size. If you so not have a cover for your just measure the length and width of your pillow form from seam to seam and add a seam allowance.

I am going to make 3 pillows. So the first thing I am going to do is cut 3 squares the same size as the cover I have for this pillow. These will be used for the front of every pillow.

I decided I wanted these pillows to be box pillows with a plain front and an envelope closure for the back.

Next I started cutting the sides of the pillows. I am going to cut bias strips (fabric cut at a 45 degree angle to the salvage. There are lots of tutorials online for this). The strips will be 2.5 inches wide.

The way I came up with this width is by measuring the width of the fringe that I am going to sew on the sides of the box pillow and adding a seam allowance for each side and adding a little just so you can see a little fabric behind the fringe. You can make up the width you want yours to be.

I am using scrap fabric so the pieces I am cutting will be random lengths and I will need to sew them together to get the lenght I need. To do this put right sides of the fabric strips together and overlap them like this.

You do not need to cut these angles at the end of each piece. My fabric has this because the scraps were all cut at an angle for making piping for a previous project. Once you have the pieces lined up draw a line from corner to corner and pin the fabric. do this every where you need to join the strips and sew them on the machine.

Once you have everything sewn, trim the edges of each seam. I will be trimming these seams with pinking shears later. You can do this now if you would like.

Now iron the seams as they are. This is when I trimmed my seams with the pinking shears. Then open the seam and iron it flat.

Your work will alway look more crisp and professional if you iron as you go so don't be tempted to skip this step.

With all of the seams ironed put the strip aside and let's cut the pieces for the envelope back. All of my fabric was already cut on an angle. So in order to have enough fabric for this project I needed to figure out how to use the angle to my advantage. So I decided to have the envelope opening at a diagonal instead of vertical or horizontal. I laid out the front square that I cutout in the first step and lined up the pieces of fabric on top of it with the front sides together.

I lined up the fabric pieces with the right sides together and the right side and bottom lined up to the square. The diagonal cut of the fabric over the diagonal of the square. This diagonal cut overlaps the actual diagonal of the square because we need to hem each diagonal - we will have 2 pieces with a diagonal center cut - one for the top and one for the bottom. The top diagonal will overlap the bottom diagonal.

Here is how it will look in the end. This backside of the fabric and the hem, I am going to explain how to do, is already sewn in this pic.

You see where the diagonal line is going from one corner to the other across the center of the pillow. You will add to this 2 inches plus 1 inch plus 1/4 inch. This gives you the overlap (actually underlap) the one inch hem and 1/4 inch turn under for the hem. You will mark these 2 points on each side. Line up these pints with our ruler and cut the fabric along that line. Make sure to cut only the top layer of fabric. Repeat this process for the other corner but this time you will add 1 inch plus one inch plus 1/4 inch. because we want this side to over lap the first side.

The first mark is where I measured 2 inches down the second mark is 1" plus 1/4".

This is where you line up the ruler and cut the diagonal.

Tomorrow I will show you how to hem these 2 sides. 0 comments

Great Day!

Not too shabby! This day was pretty good indeed. The weather was perfect. Took 3 of my pups to the vet and there check ups were great! I have my fingers crossed that their titers will come back saying they do not need any more vaccines for the next 3 years, heartworm tests were negative. Great! I did find out that Simon is much older than we thought. He is about 8 years old. The rescue said he was 2+ years old when I got him. It would be better to say we do not know his age than to guess that far off. He is my favorite out of my 6 pups so I wish he was younger. I want to spend as much time with him as possible. I will have to make sure to enjoy very day with him even more now that I have a better idea of his age.
The day was pretty productive as well. I made a cover for my bolster pillow. I have been wanting to do this for 3 years now and just never got to it. Why I do not know it only took and hour at the most. Probably half an hour is more accurate. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. But I think I am going to do a covered button on the ends instead of the ribbon.

I started with is a walmart bolster that I picked up for about $12. I like the green color but it doesn't go with my shabby chic done my way bedroom. So I decided to cover it with some cool pink and green fabric and trim that I had on hand.

Here is how it turned out.
In addition to the pillow I started this blog. This is probably the 10th blog I have started. All the others were on very specific subjects and became boring to me after a while. This one will be about everything I like to do so I should enjoy it much more.